Springbok Firewall

Cure Alzheimer's Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to funding research with the highest probability of preventing, slowing or reversing Alzheimer's disease.

Instead of manually configuring the same Windows Firewall rules on many different servers, we can import and export Windows firewall settings to transfer them between different servers. We can also import the firewall.

  • Springbok has drawn a significant amount of attention for its unique and exquisite jigsaw puzzles. It has been creating since 1963 and, therefore, has the craft perfected. In fact, it has become notorious for.
  • Springbok, (Antidorcas marsupialis), graceful, strikingly marked antelope of the gazelle tribe, Antilopini (family Bovidae, order Artiodactyla). The springbok is native to the open, treeless plains of southern.

For many years, Alzheimer’s disease research was completely stifled by a lack of funding. Pharmaceutical companies were too wary of past failures to fund any new drug development. The drug pipeline was coming up dry, and researchers weren’t encouraged to think big or bold.

Cure Alzheimer’s Fund has helped change that. They are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2004 by three families frustrated by the slow pace of research. Leveraging their experience in venture capital and corporate start-ups, the founders (Henry McCance, Phyllis Rappaport and Jacqui and Jeff Morby) came together to build a new Alzheimer’s research fund designed to dramatically accelerate research, make bold bets and focus exclusively on finding a cure.

Since its founding, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund has contributed more than $50,000,000 to research, and its funded initiatives have been responsible for several key breakthroughs—including a potential treatment recently selected by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for its elite “Blueprint” drug discovery program, and the ground-breaking “Alzheimer's in a Dish” study, which promises to greatly accelerate drug testing and was reported by The New York Times as a “giant step forward”.

Cure Alzheimer’s Fund supports some of the best scientific minds in the field of Alzheimer’s research, and it does so without any financial gain for its founders or donors. Fully 100 percent of funds raised by Cure Alzheimer’s Fund go directly to research—the Board of Directors covers all overhead expenses. .Their Research Consortium is an all-star team of scientists working at premier research institutions across the country, regularly conferring with one another on the progress and impediments in their research and constantly sharing their data.

Their goal is to stop Alzheimer’s disease through early prediction, prevention and effective intervention in those patients who have become symptomatic.

Click Here to visit their website

For use with Grade 4, Module 2


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Springbok Images

Springbok Firewall

Springbok description

Roaming the central plains of southern Africa is the slender springbok, the National Animal of South Africa (3). Within the last 100 years springbok numbers have greatly declined (3), but older Southern Africans still remember a time when springbok herds were so large they took several days to pass their farms (4). Its striking body colouring distinguishes it from other antelopes; cinnamon-brown upperparts and white underparts, separated by a dark reddish-brown band that runs horizontally from the foreleg to the hindleg (3)(5) . A crest of white hairs runs along the back of the springbok; these are normally hidden beneath two folds of scent-secreting skin, but can be seen when the white hairs are erected in alarm (3)(5). The head is white with a dark streak through each eye to the corner of the mouth, and the ears are long, narrow and pointed (3). Both male and female springbok have beautiful heavily-ridged lyre-shaped horns (3), although those of the female are much more slender (6).

  • Kingdom - Animalia
  • Phylum - Chordata
  • Class - Mammalia
  • Order - Cetartiodactyla
  • Family - Bovidae
  • Genus - Antidorcas (1)
  • Also known as springbuck.
  • Size Male weight: 50 kg (2) Female weight: 37 kg (6)

Springbok biology

The springbok has many adaptations to enable a successful existence in the harsh and unpredictable environment of Africa’s arid south-west. They are opportunists, in both their feeding and breeding behaviour (2). During the hot, rainy summers springbok primarily graze on grasses and turn to browsing on shrubs in the colder and drier winters (3). They are also fond of feeding on flowers when available, and when water is scarce springbok seek out moisture-rich roots, tubers and succulent foliage (2). Springbok will drink water whenever it is available, but also maintain their water balance by feeding at night, when the rise in humidity increases the water content of vegetation (3).

Springboks are opportunistic breeders and can breed year-round, often synchronising the birth of their young with periods of high rainfall when there is an abundance of green grass shoots to feed on. Normally a single lamb is born (3), after a 25 week gestation (2), and is initially left hiding in a protected place, such as a bush, whilst the mother grazes away from her offspring. Their time apart gradually becomes less, and by three to four weeks of age, the lamb begins to spend most their time with maternal herd. Lambs are weaned at five to six months (3).

Females may remain within the maternal herd indefinitely, whilst young males leave the herd at 6 to 12 months to join a bachelor herd, and reach sexual maturity by the age of two (3). However, to be able to breed a male must hold a territory, and defend an area that hopefully contains resources attractive to females (2). During the rut those males with the most attractive territories will mate with the most females (2), and many fights occur during over territories during the rutting period. The ringed horns are effective fighting weapons, although they can become locked together during a fight, resulting in the death of one or both of the participants (3).

Springboks are renowned for their pronking, or stotting, behaviour. This comprises several consecutive stiff-legged jumps, up to two meters high, with the back arched and the white crest of hair raised (3). Pronking may have several functions. It is a common response to predators; those that jump higher or at a faster rate, are fitter and faster, a fact the predator should recognise and so pick out a weaker victim (2). It is also for purposes of orientation, as the springbok can take in their physical surroundings, and the position of predators and other springboks (5). There is also a social role; the fold of skin on the back produces a secretion with a strong, sweet odour that can be released while pronking (3), and thus sends out visual and olfactory messages to other springbok (5).

Springbok range

Occurs in southern Africa, from south-western Angola, through Namibia, central and south-western Botswana to the western parts of South Africa (2).

Springbok habitat

Springboks inhabit dry, open plains; from deserts to savannahs and shrublands, and from sea level up to South Africa’s Highveld plateau area (3)(5). It prefers areas of short grasses and avoids tall grass, woodland and other areas where vegetation restricts movement and visibility (3).

Springbok status

Springbok Firewall Types

Classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ (1).

Springbok Firewall Rules

Springbok threats

Springbok Firewall

The springbok has disappeared from many parts of South Africa within the last 100 years, and most are now confined to fenced farmland or game reserves (3)(6). Ranching of springbok for their lean meat has been common since the early 1900s, and their skin is also utilized. Mixed herds of springbok and merino sheep (Ovis aries) are common farming combinations in the Karoo (3). Thus, whilst the springbok is not yet threatened, populations are increasingly reliant on continued demand for their products, as an incentive for humans to keep them on their land and ensure population numbers remain healthy. In parts of Namibia and in the Kalahari springbok continue to roam freely, but their movements are increasingly constrained by the construction of fences (6).

Springbok Firewall Analyzer

Springbok conservation

The IUCN does not consider the adaptable springbok to be threatened (1), although it is somewhat dependent on the continued management of the many farms and game reserves in which it occurs.

Springbok Firewall Definition

View information on this species at the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

Find out more

For further information on the springbok see:

  • Kingdon, J. (1997) The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals. Academic Press, San Diego.


1. IUCN SSC Antelope Specialist Group (2016). Antidorcas marsupialis (errata version published in 2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016. https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/1676/115056763.

2. Mills, G. and Hes, L. (1997) The Complete Book of Southern African Mammals. Struik Publishers, Cape Town.

3. Cain, J.W., Krausman, P.R. and Germaine, H.L. (2004) Antidorcas marsupialis. Mammalian Species, 753: 1 - 7.

Springbok Firewall Meaning

4. Macdonald, D.W. (2006) The Encyclopedia of Mammals. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

5. Kingdon, J. (1997) The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals. Academic Press, San Diego.

6. Stuart, C. and Stuart, T. (1997) Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa. Struik Publishers, Cape Town.

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™ IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is a trade mark of IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

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